Meet Mackenzie Territo, Summer ’17 UELIP


DCPS Office: Office of Teaching and Learning, World Languages
Education: Rising Junior at American University
Program of Study/Major: International Development
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

After volunteering in schools in Michigan and then working at Janney Elementary in DCPS this past year, I became more intrigued to learn what goes into making an urban education system such as DCPS successful. I have had the opportunity to see what the classroom looks like from a teacher’s perspective, but wanted to find out what it looked like through an administrative lens.    

This summer, I am working with the World Languages program to help support curriculum development and to prepare for the 2017-2018 school year. I will be working on many projects ranging from the redesign of the World Language Canvas page for teachers, to preparing reports on the World Languages assessments, STAMP and ALIRA.          

I arrive every morning around 8:30. After checking my email, I create a list of tasks I want to accomplish for the day. This usually includes working on the redesign of the World Language Canvas page, creating support documents and infographics about the World Language program, researching grants and outside professional development opportunities for teachers, and editing and organizing curriculum documents. Throughout the day, I have the opportunity to sit in on different meetings with my supervisor which are extremely fascinating. I love learning about different offices and programs in DCPS. I know this seems like a jam-packed day, but my day at DCPS flies by too quickly!  

While working in Canvas, I surprised myself by learning a little bit about how to code! I’ve learned that the classroom experience I have gained through volunteering is invaluable. Being able to have that perspective while working on projects in the Central Office has been extremely beneficial.              

I have really enjoyed being able to have a hands-on experience. Having the ability to work on projects that will help and directly benefit the World Language program has been the most rewarding about my experience. I have really appreciated being able to work with such a fantastic and supportive team, though our office can be very cold sometimes. (And it’s very weird wearing a sweater at work when it’s 90 degrees outside!)

In the future, I hope to still work in education. I’d like to work to help reconstruct education systems after conflicts and help children reintegrate back into schools.

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